RCMP Veterans' Association (PEI)

Healthy Living

Hey!  We're ALL getting older, but that doesn't mean we have to stop taking care of ourselves, nor does it mean we can rely on others to do so.  Perhaps it's time for all of us to look at some of the websites that have great information about how to take care of ourselves and enhance the quality of our lives.  If not for ourselves, how about helping our care-givers... it's a great opportunity, now!

The following sites (only few of many) have information dealing with healthy living, food and fitness, health tools, symptom checkers, diseases and conditions, drugs and their uses (and side affects), community groups and personal spaces (should you care for them).  It's better to be informed than not.

Note:  As a WARNING (you see this all the time - and for good reason), before making any changes in your everyday lifestyle, you should always consult a  physician.  If you don't have one - it's about time, you think?  You'll be glad you did.

Specifc Links about Mental Health & PTSD -

Mental Health:  All our Veterans and their caregivers should visit learn.mentalhealthfirstaid.ca/course_select often, as it is periodically updated with new courses in an area which may be close to you.  Mental Health First Aid for Veterans is offered free through the MHCC and Veterans Affairs Canada. Please search for "Mental Health First Aid Course for Veterans" and click on your Province.

PTSD:   This is a new APP that is available through VAC.  See website: http://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/stay-connected/mobile-app/ptsd-coach-canada

More Links about Health -

Hover over one of the following links for your next step to a healthier lifestyle...